Explore Syndego Technology
A Dynamic Alternative to Traditional Insulation Materials.
The Second Law of Thermal Dynamics states: Heat energy only flows from a warmer to a cooler space.
The Volume and Rate of heat flow depend on the Temperature Difference (∆T) between the spaces, AND the Thermal Conductivity of the Heat Flow Path.
Traditionally, limiting heat flow means placing resistance (R-Value) in the path. The “R” Value usually means ordinary thermal insulation such as fiberglass, cellulose, or foam in buildings.
We have a better way!
EnigMAT is not insulation, as it has no fixed “R” Value.
EnigMAT PCM controls Heat Flow in a different way.
EnigMAT PCM does not resist (“R” VALUE) heat flow. It INTERCEPTS the heat and converts the heart to latent energy, which is used to change the physical state of the material.
By intercepting and converting rather than resisting heat flow, EnigMAT makes it possible to prevent heat loss or gain in space to a greater degree than can be had with traditional “R” Value insulation materials.
With the use of Syndego PCMs, zero heat flow conditions have been witnessed even when significant temperature differences existed, an Impossible condition with the use of ordinary insulation materials.
Time Temperature and Direction of Heat Flow can be managed by Syndego Phase Change Technologies.
Syndego's patented packaging materials offer a unique low emittance surface material, an essential feature of Syndego product lines. The PCM sheets that form the pouches can be installed to provide enclosed reflective air spaces. Enclosed air spaces with one or more low emittance (High reflective) surfaces perpendicular to the heat flow direction deliver reflective insulation that provides thermal resistance (“R” Value).
Careful consideration of location and placement within the building envelope should be taken to optimize the performance of any product. Whenever possible, place it where some level of thermal resistance is on both sides of the product. Some attention should be given to maximum exposure (Sunlit surfaces?) temperatures, minimum overnight lows, the melting point of the PCM product, and whether a reflective surface can be effectively used in the specific application.
PCMs all offer an interesting, desirable property. They absorb and desorb (emit) heat at a relatively constant temperature during the phase transition. This allows the architect, designer, or homeowner to manage heat flow across the building envelope to reduce the HVAC load. With proper placement, it can also be used to shift peak load timing to take advantage of potential lower off-peak hours pricing from utility companies.
When combined with the traditional R-Value of the air-based thermal insulation materials, Reflective insulation is unique to all Syndego products.
Utilization of PCMs within buildings offers several benefits:
Reduction in Energy Use
Reducing Peak Load
Shifting Peak Load Period
Potentially Reducing HVAC Equipment Sizing
Other Potential uses of PCMs:
Assist in Hot Water Distribution Systems
Preheating Air in Heat Pumps
Thermal Batteries for Room Comfort
To learn in-depth about the purpose of PCM, see below:
Introducing our new name with the same high performancE...
High Performance PCMs “Insulating in the 21st Century”
PCMs are interesting because they control heat flow differently than traditional “R” Value materials. Rather than “Resisting” heat flow, PCMs Intercept heat, then use it to break the molecular bonds which make it a solid, causing it to melt. There is no temperature change during the phase change. When the heat source is removed and now fully melted PCM is exposed to lower than its melt point temperature, it begins to give up the heat to the cooler space. The mass bonds are re-formed, and the PCM solidifies. No change in temperature takes place during this transition. Water is a well understood PCM. Water has the ability to hold 1 BTU per pound per degree. Ice, like water, has the ability to hold 1 BTU per pound per degree. Meaning if you add or subtract 1 BTU to 1 pound of either water or ice it will raise or lower the temperature of the ice or water by 1° degree.
EXCEPT: at 32° where the water/ice liquid/solid phase change happens. At 32°, it takes removing 143 BTUs to change 32°degree water to ice, or, adding 143 BTUs to change 32°degree ice to water. That is 143 times more energy to make the 1° change, at any other temperature. These 143 BTUs are the key to Syndego PCM. Sure water can control a lot of heat at 32degrees but that’s no help to me…
Our Product
80°degree ice? Remember, breaking the molecular bonds that make a material solid is what is important, not their specific temperature. By engineering Syndego's PCM products to have melt points within human comfort zones 60°-90° (and more), we can intercept and control large amounts of heat by using them to melt rather than heat the space. Then when the heat source is removed, Syndego PCM gives the heat back up to the space, solidifies, and is ready to go through the phase change the next time temperatures exceed the desired set point.
Which would you prefer, traditional insulation, which requires many inches of itchy fiberglass or cellulose to adequately perform, or a blanket less than a half-inch thick that changes the temperature rather than resist it? Get the Best phase change materials Today!
[email protected] (478) 747-5697

Heat Sync
Careful positioning of Heat Sync materials in a building envelope can result in significant reductions in cooling and heating loads. The particular Heat Sync melt point and location must be selected such that temperatures at the selected position, cycle through the phase change temperature range. Heat Sync alternately absorbs heat (charges) and releases heat (discharges) in response to changing ambient temperature. The result is a net reduction in the heat gain or heat loss from the conditioned space due to Heat Sync’s interception of heat and alteration of the temperature profile in the building envelop. Do you have a commercial processing temperature problem? Call today! (215) 421-8291 (click the link) [email protected] for spacing issues.
Contact us today OR Call a location near you:
The Nixon Group LLC | (678) 432-3042
Russ | (916) 224-7878
Natural Homes | Roger: (303) 818-1953
Passive Thermal Solutions
Cindy: (727) 902-0135 or Al: (813) 403-1626
Charles Poole: (478) 338-2206 or Stephen Calhoun (478) 960-1066
The Nixon Group LLC | (678) 432-3042
Thermafaze LLC | Fred: (239) 318-8298
Heat Sync | (215) 421-8291
The Nixon Group LLC | (678) 432-3042